< Console
Casavant, 1963
View into the
Récit showing
(back to front)>
16'-8' Trumpet
4' Principal
8' Viola daGamba
8' Bourdon
8'Voix Célèste
4' Flûte Octave
2' Ovtavin
(not visible)
II-IV Plein Jeu
II Cornet
8' Hautbois-Basson
8' Voix Humane
C side of the Grand Orgue
(right to left)
IV Fourniture
2' Doublette
4' Prestant
4' Flūte Harmonique
8' Flūte Double
8' Trompette
2 2/3' Nazard
8' Montre
Aerial view of
the Positif
(top to bottom) >
8' Principal
2' Principal
8' Cor de Nuit
1 1/3' Larigot
4' Flūte Conique
IV Cymbal (2/3')
8' Cromorne (barely visible; see below)
< The
missing Positif 8' Cromorne |
8' Pontifical Trumpet> |